Logo Amorim Italia

In the Gotto d’oro cooperative winery, we are always ready to undertake new projects, driven by the conviction that together any partner, employee, supplier can achieve any goal.

In 2022 Gotto d’oro decided to join ETICO project by Amorim Cork Italia, an innovative social project which combines circular economy and the goal of recovering used corks and give them a new life.

Amorim Cork, world leader in the production of corks and our supplier has a strong sensitivity towards the sustainability.

Promoted by Amorim Cork Italia in collaboration with non-profit organizations in Italy, the Ethical Project was born in 2011. Recycling becomes an opportunity to respect the environment and at the same time help those who need help and support: cork recycling campaigns have an added social responsibility dimension: for each tonne of collected cork stoppers, a donation is made to a local charity or institution, giving back to civil society.

The supply chain


Amorim Cork Italia delivers the ethical boxes to the local charity or institution for the collection of corks.

The local instituion place the boxes in strategic points, raising awareness among citizens through initiatives and campaigns.

The corks are stored in a collection point until they are sold.


The collected corks undergo a manual selection process. In this way any waste of capsules, cages or plastic caps erroneously inserted in the box are removed.


Amorim undertakes to donate the revenues deriving from the collection of corks to non-profit organizations. The proceeds are thus used to support solidarity projects.


The corks are shredded and destined for various uses: this is how a new raw material is born from the recycling which will later materialize in the Suber project and in green building material.



The design thus becomes even more sustainable. We are witnessing the birth of a new ethic of recycling and recovery which leads to a new design aesthetic. The second life of the cork is part of the even more ethical Suber circular economy project.




We have chosen to embark on this journey with the Assohandicap Onlus of Marino, which has been offering assistance and rehabilitation to disabled people in our municipality for 36 years.

Amorim Cork Italia supplies the ETHICAL cork collection boxes, which are positioned by Assohandicap Onlus in strategic places in Marino, Rome and the province.

For each ton of corks collected, Amorim Cork Italia donates a fee of €700 to Assohandicap Onlus, to be donated for charitable and solidarity purposes.

Our role as Gotto d’oro was to bring these two realities into contact, Amorim Cork Italia and Assohandicap Onlus, with the aim of combining sustainability and social issues, as well as having ourselves become the official collection center for any cork cap.

Look for the ETHICAL box closest to you

      Recycling becomes an opportunity to respect the environment and at the same time help those in need of support.

      In Italy every year over 800 million caps are thrown in the trash. This is about 16 million tons of cork that cannot be recycled.

      Avoiding the waste of a precious material such as cork thus makes it possible to reduce the CO2 emissions that would derive from incineration and at the same time to have a positive impact on the ecosystem.

      Today, 100 tons of used corks are recovered every year through the ETICO project.

      Support sustainability do it with us and the ETICO project

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